Here at LeaseTeam, we love the technological attributes that our ASPIRE solution provides, and so do our customers. They enjoy how the solution provides a complete view for users to identify bottlenecks in their lease and loan management lifecycle. They also enjoy the increased connectivity that comes from working with a complete end-to-end solution for more proficient processing. Not to mention, the functionality that our software provides by setting up automated tasks to increase workflow efficiency. So it may be no surprise that we would we get excited about seeing these attributes in other forms of technology. Here are a few ways that other companies are using some of the same features found in ASPIRE to change the way people do business.
Construction companies all over the world are beginning to realize the benefits of drones in providing aerial views of building sites. Equipment finance companies are seeing more companies invest in this equipment, which they can use to survey a site for a more accurate bid or even assess structural damage on a current project. Traditionally, these kinds of assessments were done manually by climbing on the roof to give an estimate or for dangerous locations. Most drones can cost thousands of dollars in upfront capital. With technology always advancing, drones make an excellent candidate for leasing. Just as leasing other equipment for projects can help you get the job done, drones can help you win the bid in the first place.
Solar Roads
As the consumption of fossil fuels continues to be a primary concern, cities like Los Angeles have turned to public transportation as a way to combat traffic and pollution. Public transportation is an excellent method for urban areas. However, it may not be the best method for less populated areas. To increase connectivity with the future in mind, Missouri recently installed a solar powered sidewalk at the states Historic Route 66 Welcome Center in Conway. The Missouri Department of Transportation in partnership with Solar Roadways is using this small project, called “The Road to Tomorrow” as a way to see how the solar panels handle the Missouri weather. This project could lead to a solar-powered parking lot, and eventually, the very first solar-powered highway.
Cab-less Self-Driving Haulage Vehicles
Increasing automation for a more efficient workflow is one of the most robust forms of technology companies offer today. Komatsu’s unveiling of their Cab-less Self-Driving Haulage Vehicle last year is an excellent example of how quickly this technology is advancing. This equally balanced cab and unmanned cab allows for faster and safer hauling, particularly in the mining industry. Since 2008, Komatsu has been a leader in the autonomous vehicles. This vehicle will be the very first to be completely cab-less. Additionally, the Komatsu predicts that this will increase productivity in the mines by eliminating K-Turns in challenging weather and dangerous terrain conditions. Although this amazing technology is not yet available for purchase, Komatsu has confirmed that it will not be long before it is.
These are just a few of the innovations that are propelling companies forward. What features do you look for in technology? Does your lease and loan management solution have them too?