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What’s the deal with Release Notes?

Release notes are getting goofy. Like, really goofy. It seems as though some major app developers were getting tired of people ignoring their updates and fixes, and started looking for more attention.

For example, the communication app “Slack” is known for their especially eccentric release notes:

  • Version 1.50
    • Ability to upload cat images directly from your clipboard using cut and paste (other images also supported)
  • Version 1.90
    • Fixed: One specific mysterious crash that occasionally occurred has been resolved. Other random mysterious crashes may still occur but they’re tooootally different.
  • Version 1.81
    • Fixed: We’ve fixed the loophole in the last release that allowed Gif to be pronounced ‘Jif’. As you were.

Check out more here.

Maybe they thought people weren’t reading; maybe it’s just an incredibly ingenious marketing technique. I’m not sure! But what I am sure of is some release notes are actually vital to users and others who rely on a software’s abilities. ASPIRE release notes from LeaseTeam fall under that category. So while we can’t really get cute with the notes, we can at least give you some reasons to read them:

  • Release notes are the first introduction most customers have to new features rolled out in ASPIRE. Not keeping up on release notes means you may be missing new features and functionality available in ASPIRE.
  • Release notes announce new dashboard reports. There are new and modified reports included in every release.
  • Release notes announce new modules and partner integrations.
  • Release notes are broken out by ASPIRE functional areas.  This is to help facilitate easier reading and to provide the ability to skip areas not utilized and focus on areas of heavy use.
  • Occasionally there are announcements made through release notes of significant functional changes.
  • Last but not least, release notes notify users of known issues to be aware of, and they provide an outline of where to find the latest bug fixes.

These are just some of the reasons you should be reading release notes.  Each user may benefit from the information a little differently, but the main thing to keep in mind is that release notes are meant to create an opportunity, not be a chore.